Opportunities to connect crime victims to specialized personnel and services are being missed!
What are the estimated numbers?
47.6% of law enforcement agencies serving 100,000 or more community members and 6.4% of law enforcement agencies serving fewer than 100,000 community members have specialized units for victim assistance. [1]
42.6% of sheriffs’ offices with 100 or more sworn officers and 8.2% of sheriffs’ offices with fewer than 100 sworn officers have specialized units for victim assistance. [2]
An average of 9.8% of violent victimizations reported to police involve victim services use. [3]
[1] Local Police Departments Personnel, 2020 (ojp.gov)
[2] Sheriffs' Offices Personnel, 2020 (ojp.gov)
What can law enforcement agencies do?
Law enforcement agencies can hire victim services personnel to help crime victims stay engaged in the investigative process and navigate multiple complex systems to meet their needs.
Victim services personnel can:
Join us to discuss the effective incorporation of victim services into your agency!
Incorporating Victim Services Into Agency Responses and Practices
Discussion of services provided by victim services personnel that align with sworn personnel responsibilities.
Identifying Roles and Responsibilities of Victim Services
Discussion of the role and parameters for victim services personnel that includes models of service provision and partnerships.
Understanding and Implementing Victim Services Documentation Practices
Discussion of the role and parameters for victim services personnel that includes jurisdiction-specific statutes and documentation practices.
Assessing Agency Readiness for Incorporating Victim Services
Discussion of considerations when starting a victim services unit that includes agency readiness and setting clear expectations.
Strategic Planning for Sustainable Victim Services
Discussion of considerations when starting a victim services unit that includes agency policies, communication, and staff development as part of ongoing strategic planning.
Essential Training for Effective Incorporation of Victim Services
Discussion of essential training to prepare all agency personnel for victim services incorporation.
Using Research to Enhance the Incorporation of Victim Services
Discussion of current research efforts around law enforcement-based victim services.
Ask Us Anything About Effective Incorporation of Victim Services
Open discussion about incorporating victim services personnel and services into agency response efforts.
Considerations for Recruitment and Retention of VSU Personnel
Securing qualified and suitable candidates for law enforcement-based victim services positions is an essential component of effective agency responses to victims and co-victims of crime.
Incorporating Interns and Volunteers into VSU Responsibilities
Interns and volunteers can positively contribute to law enforcement-based victim services through meaningful opportunities, assignment of suitable tasks, and active oversight.
VSU Supervision Considerations and Strategies
Selection of the direct supervisor for law enforcement-based victim services personnel has cascading effects on services to victims and co-victims, operational decisions, and planning for VSU expansion.
Developing Policies for Effective Response to Victims and Co-Victims
Policies contribute to comprehensive training, accountability efforts, and elevation of victim-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive responses and practices.
Practical Access to Victims' Rights
Victims and co-victims have unique experiences and desires for engagement with the justice system. Ensuring practical access to victims' rights during law enforcement contact can be an effective gateway to meeting their unique needs.
VSU Response to Victims and Co-Victims of Violent Crime
Law enforcement-based victim services contribute to effective responses that address the rights and needs of victims and co-victims of violent crime and can enhance collaborative strategies that support community trust.
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